Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Introduction From A Novice "Film-tender"

Hello, night owl here...

  While I don't pretend to have trail-blazed the film & beverage blog, I do intend to skillfully weave great films with beverages that will enhance the movie-going experience. My wife, in recommending I start blogging about the films I'm seeing, set my mind moving on a way to personalize the experience and hopefully make it creative, insightful and fun enough to read.

  I don't have any money motivations in starting this blog (though if google paid me, that would be neat) and I won't pretend to wax film historian in my reviews, nor am I highly cultured in the ways of fine beverages, but I hope you'll visit me every now and again for a great recommendation. As a filmmaker, trained in the sound editing arts, with film composition and screenwriting credits, I hope to provide short, but insightful filmic anecdotes that will whet the appetite just enough as to warrant a repeat visit.

  Most of the films I will be reviewing and recommending are from the Criterion Collection/Janus Films and can be purchased at their website: www.criterion.com

                                                                                                                                          ~ n.o.

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